Consumers, as health plan subscribers and patients, should be the ultimate beneficiaries of a value-based health care delivery system. They can and should act as catalysts for change—but their efforts can only be effective as part of a wider, systemic restructuring driven by providers, health plans and other stakeholders. Redefining Health Care describes the roles that consumers should play in a value-based system, and the expectations they should set for health plans and providers.
Key Action Steps for Patients
- Take responsibility for health and health care
- Manage health through lifestyle choices, obtaining routine care and testing, complying with treatments, and active participation in disease management and prevention
- Gather information on provider results and experience in medical conditions
- Seek help and advice in interpreting information from physicians and the health plan
- Utilize independent trustworthy medical information sources when needed. Beware of un-validated information posted on the internet.
- Choose excellent providers based on reported results, not the closest provider or the past provider of unrelated care. Insist providers provide their results with patients like you.
- Choose cost-effective health plan structures involving deductibles together with HSAs to save for future health care needs
- Seek a long-term relationship with a plan instead of plan churning
- Communicate personal intentions regarding organ donation and end-of-life care
- Designate a health care proxy and prepare a living will