Employers have the motivation and the clout to drive value improvement in the health care system, and reinforce the shift to value-based competition. Employers can exert a strong influence on health plans and providers, especially through collaborative efforts with other employers. They also can influence the way employees think about their health and health care. Employers can and should take a more active role in the care provided to their employees. Employers can develop direct relationships with provider organizations to provide care for their employees for complex conditions and bring in house care for common conditions.
Key Action Steps for Employers
- Select plans and plan administrators based on health results, not administrative convenience
- Align interests by encouraging long-term relationships between the plan and subscribers
- Expect demonstrated excellence from all providers involved in employee care
- Collaborate with other employers in advancing value-based competition
- For complex conditions consider partnerships with centers of excellence who share the goal of readiness to return to work.
- Offer encouragement, incentives, and support to employees in managing their health
- Provide independent information and advising services to employees to supplement other sources
- Offer health plan structures that provide good value and encourage saving for long-term health needs
- Create collaborative vehicles with other employers to offer group insurance coverage to employees or affiliated individuals not currently part of the employer’s health plan
- Support insurance reform that levels the playing field among employers
- Health benefits must ultimately be a senior management responsibility, with staff responsible for results