Work With Us
We are interested in working with those individuals and organizations that have a goal of improving health care using a value-based approach. We would welcome your ideas for research. We are always looking for qualified people to work on our team at HBS.
The value-based health care team at Harvard Business School is very interested in working with individuals and organizations who are doing action based research in value-based health care. We are interested in projects that involve integrated practice units, outcomes measurement, cost measurement, bundled payment, integration of care, geographic expansion, and information technology that enables value-based care. Since we are a small team we do not offer research delivery services such as data analysis, however we can work with you to guide your program to help achieve your goals. We prefer to collaborate on projects which are oriented to actual implementation of value-based care. For further information send a brief overview to us at
From time to time the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness has positons on the value-based health care team as researchers. These are typically competitive full time positions. We do work with students matriculated at Harvard University in a variety of ways depending on the degree program you are in. Unfortunately, we do not offer postdoctoral positions or student programs for students at other universities. For further information please contact us at