Value-Based Health Care

- April 2020
- New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst
The Agenda for the Next Generation of Health Care Information Technology
by Thomas W. Feeley, Zachary Landman and Michael E. Porter
As the diffusion of value-based health care efforts accelerates globally, the need for interoperable information technology systems that support value-based care is essential. A value-enabling IT platform must organize data around conditions. |
- November 2019
- The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Reviews
A Review of Bundled Payments in Total Joint Replacement
by Olivia Manickas-Hill, Thomas W. Feeley, and Kevin J. Bozic
Multiple pilot studies evaluating cost and quality using a bundled-payment model in joint replacement have demonstrated reductions in Medicare payments, primarily from decreased hospital LOS and post-acute care utilization. |
- October 2019
- New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst
Achieving Value in Highly Complex Acute Care: Lessons from the Delivery of Extra Corporeal Life Support
by Michael Nurok, Jonathan Warsh, Jeffrey Lopez, Mayumi Kharabi, and Robert S. Kaplan
In this study the authors sought to apply a value (outcomes and cost) analysis to extracorporeal life support (ECLS), a relatively rare but very expensive ICU therapy with highly variable outcomes. |
- August 2019
- Health Affairs
Navy Medicine Introduces Value Based Health Care
by Alee Hernandez, Robert S. Kaplan, Mary L. Witkowski, C. Forrest Faison and Michael
E. Porter
In 2016, the Surgeon General of the Navy launched a value-based health care project at Naval Hospital Jacksonville. The project’s goals were to demonstrate how a value approach could improve naval readiness and lower cost. |
- April 2019
- Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes
Unlocking the potential of value-based health care by defining outcome measures that matter to patients with cardiovascular diseases
by Seligman WH, Salt M, la Torre Rosas A, and Das-Gupta Z
- March 2019
- Am J Kidney Dis
Development of an International Standard Set of Value-Based Outcome Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) CKD Working Group
by Verberne WR, Das-Gupta Z, Allegretti AS,
- Dec 2018
- BMC Health Serv Res.
Standardized outcome measures for pregnancy and childbirth, an ICHOM proposal
by Nijagal MA, Wissig S, Stowell C, et. al.
- Jun 2018
Outcomes that matter to people living with inflammatory arthritis; a global standard set, developed by the international consortium for health outcome measurement (ICHOM) working group for inflammatory arthritis
by Oude Voshaar M, Das Gupta Z, Van de Laar M, et al
- Mar 2018
- J Crohns Colitis
Developing a Standard Set of Patient-Centred Outcomes for Inflammatory Bowel Disease-an International, Cross-disciplinary Consensus
by Kim AH, Roberts C, Feagan BG,
- Feb 2018
- BMC Geriatrics
Standard set of health outcome measures for older persons
by Akpan A, Roberts C, Bandeen-Roche K,
- Jan 2018
- American Hospital Association
Voices on Value Issue 1
by Robert S. Kaplan and Harry Wolberg
- Dec 2017
- Int Urogynecol J
Development of a core set of outcome measures for overactive bladder treatment
by Foust-Wright C, Wissig S, Stowell C, et.a.
- Dec 2017
- Qual Life Res
Standardization of health outcomes assessment for depression and anxiety: recommendations from the ICHOM Depression and Anxiety Working Group
by Obbarius A, van Maasakkers L, Baer L,
- Oct 2017
- Kidney International Supplements
Strategies to improve monitoring disease progression, assessing cardiovascular risk, and defining prognostic biomarkers in chronic kidney disease
by Pena MJ, Stenvinkel P, Kretzler M,
- Oct 2017
- Kidney Int Suppl
Closing the gap between evidence and practice in chronic kidney disease
by Jardine MJ, Kasiske B, Adu D,
- Sep 2017
- J Multidiscip Healthc.
Facial palsy: what can the multidisciplinary team do?
by Daniel P Butler and Adriaan O Grobbelaar
- Sept 2017
- Cleft Palate Craniofac J.
A Standard Set of Outcome Measures for the Comprehensive Appraisal of Cleft Care
by Allori AC, Kelley T, Meara JG,
- Jun 2017
- Innov Aging
Defining a Standard Set of Patient-centred outcomes for patients with Dementia
by E. Reynish, A. Burns, and C. Roberts
- June 2017
- Euro Med J
Benchmarking outcomes that matter most to patients: the globe programme
by Dias AG, Roberts CJ, Lippa J, et. al.
- May 2017
- JAMA Oncology
A Standard Set of Value-Based Patient-Centered Outcomes for Breast Cancer: The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) Initiative
by Ong WL, Schouwenburg MG, van Bommel ACM,