Value-Based Health Care Delivery for Residents & Fellows
There is growing recognition that true health care reform will require major strategic and organizational changes in the way health care is actually delivered, measured, and reimbursed. As described in the book Redefining Health Care, by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Teisberg, value for patients can be measured by the health outcomes achieved per dollar spent. Value-based health care delivery concepts start with providers but encompass new strategies for health plans, employers, and government. Professor Porter and the institute have developed a two and one half day seminar focused on frameworks, application tools, and case studies highlighting real-life examples of organizations moving toward value-based care delivery models targeted towards residents and fellows in Partner's training programs.
Target Participants:
- Residents and fellows in Partner's training programs
Course Format:
- Intensive graduate-level course offered as an intensive five-day course on Monday, February, 1st - Friday, February, 5th.
Course Sessions:
- Case study discussions
- Guest protagonist appearances
- Faculty topic lectures