International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement
Launched in 2012, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) works with patients, leading providers, and registries to create a global standard for measuring results by medical condition, from prostate cancer to coronary artery disease. ICHOM supports one of the key strategic agenda items in Michael Porter’s Value-Based Health Care Delivery framework.
Transforming Health Care
The pioneering book Redefining Health Care, by Michael Porter and Elizabeth Teisburg, articulates the case for focusing health care on value and its composites of outcomes and cost. While Michael Porter was developing his health care framework, Stefan Larsson at the Boston Consulting Group and Martin Ingvar at the Karolinska Institute were exploring the potential of outcomes measurement themselves while studying the impact of Sweden’s extensive disease registries.
Founded by Michael Porter, Stefan Larsson, and Martin Ingvar, ICHOM grew out the conviction that the universal development and reporting of patient outcomes by medical condition is the single greatest enabler of delivery system transformation.
Learn more about Value-Base Health Care Delivery