- 20 May 2013
- The Lancet
About Michael Porter
“He has influenced more executives - and more nations - than any other business professor on earth. Now, he and an all-star team aim to rescue the U.S. economy.”
- — Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor-at-large
- Fortune magazine, 2012

Michael Porter is the founder of the modern strategy field and one of the world’s most influential thinkers on management and competitiveness. The author of 19 books and over 130 articles, he is the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business School and the director of the school’s Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, which was founded in 2001 to further his work and research.
A Letter from Michael Porter
- Oct 2012
Measuring Shared Value: How to Unlock Value by Linking Business & Social Results
- Jul 2012
- NBER Working Paper No. 18249
The Determinants of National Competitiveness
Honors & Awards
Michael Porter has been widely recognized for his work. Some of his many honors include Harvard's David A. Wells Prize in Economics (1973) for his research in industrial organization. He also received the Graham and Dodd Award of the Financial Analysts Federation in 1980. Michael Porter's book Competitive Advantage won the George R. Terry Book Award of the Academy of Management in 1985 as the outstanding contribution to management thought.
More awards & honorsAffiliated Organizations & Institutions
Porter Prizes
The Porter Prize recognizes outstanding companies that have achieved and maintained superior profitability in a particular industry. Originally launched in Japan in 2001, a second Porter Prize expanded to India in 2012. The Porter Prize for Excellence in CSV (South Korea) and the Value Based Healthcare Prize were both established in 2014.
U.S. Competitiveness Project
A research-led effort to understand and improve the competitiveness of the United States.
The Social Progress Imperative
Advancing global wellbeing by measuring how countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens.
The Global Health Delivery Project
Systematizing the study of global health delivery and rapidly disseminating knowledge through a range of coordinated initiatives.
See all affiliated organizations & institutions